Genre: Young Adult Fiction and Contemporary Fiction Publisher: Atria Books Rating: 5/5 Goodreads Blurb → Nastya and Josh meet each other in their senior year of high school after she transfers from a different city. Nastya does not talk to anyone and no one messes with Josh. They keep to themselves because it is the only way they cope with everything that happened in their lives till they reach each other. Character Discussion (including possible spoilers): Both Nastya and Josh are tragic characters who’ve loved and lost. Bad things have happened in their pasts and although we know Josh’s story, we are only given fragments of Nastya’s. Just like Josh, we are piecing her story bit by bit with the information she’s willing to give. We know that something terrible had happened and Nastya has not yet found the words to voice it. She is wounded and devastated but at the same time she is in...